Friday, December 31, 2010

Curls: Stylish Curlies




Love:A Curly Engagement Session

 My Fiance and I stuck out 18 degree weather and a crazy Chicago wind chill to take these beautiful photos. Oh, and I must add, I absolutely loved my curls!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Curls: Chic Updo

So months and months ago I was browsing blogs and on a young lady by the name of West had nice pictures and good info on a chic natural updo. Well I was in summer school working on my M.A. and working out (I also played collegiate basketball), and I desperately needed to do something with my hair that did not require much time. Thus, myself and a friend gave this style a shot. Here are some  photos the style:
This is a side and back view

Front side

Somewhat of the top/back


The style was pretty simple. My friend twisted all my hair to the center like a mohawk and twisted the hair all the way to the ends. I just played with the hair and pinned it up all over. There are many ways to wear this style. You're the artist!!! 

It has been a looog time

It definitely has been a long time since I have blogged but all with good reason. I have finished my Masters, started a new job teaching at the college level, and have been planning a wedding. Thus, I had to take a break from Love, Life, & Curls, but I am back now! I have been documenting and experimenting with my hair in many different ways, so I plan to share it all with you! First, I'll start with hair growth. Back in October of this year I straightened my hair, I couldn't help but notice that it grew quite a bit since I last straightened. So here are a couple of pics: 
Oct. 2010

Early 2010

You can see in the second picture that my hair was trying to grow. The sides were a tad bit longer than the middle. In the first picture you can see that my hair began to fill out and grew a few inches.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Curls: Frizz: Fight it or Accept it?

Hello my fellow curlies, a huge problem we ALL deal with is frizz. There are many products that target cutting out frizz and taming curls, but I think I have come to accept frizz (I mean at some point is going to rear its ugly head.) After that realization I feel that some frizz is actually okay. It doesn't look half bad to me. I've noticed when I see other natural heads with frizz, their manes look gorgeous; I think sometimes I am just over critical of my own hair. So with that being said, I do love using my Kinky-Curly Curling Custard (it is definitely a must have in my hair regimen,) but when those little frizzes pop up it's fine. I just give my hair a little shake accept the frizz as fullness :-) and keep pushing!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Life: Does He Love Your Curls?

Hey ladies! I'm curious to know how does your significant other feel about your natural hair. Is it something he goes for and is automatically attracted to, or is it so- so for him. Many women are trapped into the idea that straight (and long) hair is sexy and attractive, and they didn't come up with that idea alone, it's society. I personally believe that natural hair is more exotic and exciting. I can do so much to it, and more importantly I feel like an individual. Now, don't get me wrong I like to wear my hair straight on occasions (I love the length that I've retained being natural) and it's a good look, but there is just something about wearing my hair out natural and curly that feels so right! What's your take on it?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Curls: Not ready to wash just yet...

Here is a style that I usually go to once my wash -n- go is a wash-n- go no more; or I've worn my braided bantu knots or any other style to its wits end! I part the front part of my hair like I am parting bangs, and then I twist it back. Then I'll pull the rest of my hair back in to a ponytail with a goody hair tie/ band, and either wear a loose ponytail or pin it up. Here are some photos to take a looksie :-) What's your go-to style once your styles are worn out before you decide to wash?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Curls: A Couple Different Hair Styles

Here are a few hairstyles I have experimented with, and I'll definitely wear them again!

Here are two pictures from a Twist and Bantu Knot out.

Here are two pics of my bun protective style...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Curls: I say "Yes to Cucumbers!"

I've been hearing about Yes to Cucumbers and Yes to Carrots for quite some time now, but I never came across it. Things have changed now... I used the Yes to Carrots hair mask, Yes to Cucumbers conditioner to co-wash, and the leave-in and I loved, loved, loved it! I used some Giovanni Direct Leave- in too, and topped it off with Kinky-Curly Curling Custard and my results were great! The YTC left my hair feeling moisturized and soft for days. It is definitely a part of my hair regimen now, hands down! You should try it out. I found the YTC in Target; I'm not sure where else you can get it though. If you try it out or have tried it let me know what you think, and how you use it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Day Late and A Dollar Short

So it has been a while since I've last blogged. Between finishing my Masters degree, completing my last season of collegiate basketball, working, and planning a wedding I have been one busy lady. So charge to my head not my heart. I definitely plan to blog more consistently bringing many of the latest topics about love, life, & curls. Stay tuned!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Curls: Miss Jessie's to Hit Stores

Great news! If you are a Miss Jessie's lover, now you can find your favorite products in a store near you. The products are scheduled to hit select Target stores on March 28th. You can find a list of cities where Target is expected to get the products on this attached link below. Don't miss out!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Curls: To Trim or Not To Trim?

To trim or not to trim is the BIG question. And if so how, when, and what is the best method. Some people are faithful believers in trimming their ends, but is that the key to maintain long and healthy curls? Of course at some point a trim is needed, but perhaps the best technique is a preventative technique. If we curly heads can do a better job of taking care of and protecting the ends of our curls maybe a trim is not needed as often. Things to try: Sleeping with hair tied in a satin bonnet, sleep on satin pillow cases, keep hair moisturized (with special attention to the ends,) seal the ends of the hair with shea butter, oils etc, and you can never go wrong with a protective hairstyle (wearing hair in a style to protect the ends from rubbing against clothing and other things.) Also, what about the search and destroy method? This allows you to maintain more length, because each strand of hair is being searched for damaged ends to cut off. This also can be very time consuming. Some even like to clip the ends of their hair while wearing two- strand twist. I currently do my best to protect and take care of my ends, while getting a trim maybe twice a year. This allows me to retain much of my length and each time I can see a difference in growth. What do you like to do and how do you like to do it?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life: Shaved Heads as a Tribute

Now here is a real tear jerker. University of Minnesota Men's basketball team all shaved off their mane in a warm way to show support for their fellow teammate. 6'8 junior Paul Carter was recently informed that his younger sister Bria Carter was diagnosed with a form of bone cancer. When Bria began to lose her hair this past month from the chemotherapy, Paul decided he would shave his head bald as long as it took for Bria's hair to grow back. What a great show of love and support from the big brother right? Well, the real heart warming part of this story is that all of Carter's teammates surprised him the next day at a game with freshly shaven heads to show their support for Paul, Bria, and the entire Carter family during a tough time as this one. Gotta love touching stories like this! :-) Check out this video about it...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Curls: What is your hair type?

Type 1-Straight hair

Type 2-Wavy hair-

Type 3-Curly hair

Type 4-Kinky Hair


Hi all,

Love, Life & Curls is a newly established blog that will entail many things. There will be a variety of topics posted: short scriptures and inspirational words, relationship and self-love (Love,) fashion and sports updates (Life,) and tips, ideas, and tidbits on naturally curly, kinky, and coily hair (Curls.) Don't be a stranger stay tuned in to Love, Life & Curls. :-)